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为什么马来西亚多数华人都移居澳大利亚了呢? NAATI

发布时间:2024-10-14 16:04     浏览:

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3.经济方面,经商时必须保留一定的股份给马来人,才能获得营业许可证,这种“马来人优先”的政策让许多华人感到不满,选择移民以避免这种不公平对待 。
二、追求更好的生活条件:许多马来西亚华人,像林思霆一样,选择移民澳大利亚是因为他们认为在那里可以与所有人一起公平竞争,而不是仅仅基于肤色或种族。他们希望通过 移民,为孩子提供一个没有种族歧视和更公平的教育环境 。
三、 华人出生率相对较低:另一个导致马来西亚 华人比例逐年下降的原因是华人的出生率相对较低。与马来人相比,华人夫妻生育的孩子数量较少,这直接导致了华人在总人口中 所占比例的下降。
⬆️综上所述,马来西亚华人移居澳大利亚的原因是多方面的,包括避免国内的不公平待遇、追求更好的生活条件以及华人相对较低的出生率。#马来西亚 #吉隆坡 #澳大利亚 #出国 #马来西亚旅行 #澳大利亚旅行

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Why have most Malaysian Chinese emigrated to Australia?

The reasons why many Malaysian Chinese have chosen to emigrate to Australia include:

  • Unfair treatment towards Chinese in Malaysia
  • The pursuit of better living conditions
  • Relatively low birth rates among Chinese Malaysians
naati certified translator
The success rate of emigration is high. Generally, after meeting the basic conditions, contact a NAATI translator, who can translate necessary documents from Malay into English and stamp them with the NAATI certification seal.

1. Unfair Treatment:

There are unfair policies and practices towards Chinese Malaysians in various aspects:
  • Education: In university admissions, Malays are often given most of the spots, even with lower grades, while Chinese and Indians have to compete for the remaining spots.
  • Politics: High-level government positions are usually reserved for Malays, and the authorities use race and religion to divide the people.
  • Economy: Chinese business owners must allocate a certain percentage of their shares to Malays to obtain business licenses, which leaves many Chinese dissatisfied and leads them to emigrate to avoid such unfair treatment.

2. Pursuit of Better Living Conditions:

Many Chinese Malaysians, like Lin Siting, emigrate to Australia because they believe they can compete fairly there, not based on race or ethnicity. They hope to provide their children with an education system free of racial discrimination and a more equitable environment.

3. Relatively Low Birth Rates Among Chinese Malaysians:

Another reason for the declining proportion of Chinese Malaysians is their relatively low birth rate. Compared to Malays, Chinese couples tend to have fewer children, leading to a gradual decrease in their share of the total population.
⬆️ In conclusion, the reasons for Malaysian Chinese emigrating to Australia are multifaceted, including escaping domestic unfair treatment, seeking better living conditions, and the relatively low birth rate among the Chinese population.

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